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Kamis, 17 Maret 2011
Android 2.2
Menurut Taylor Wimberly, seorang pengamat dan juga pendiri dari situs, Google saat ini tengah sibuk untuk melakukan pengujian dari OS teranyar mereka yang memiliki nama sandi 'Froyo' tersebut.
Taylor mengaku tidak asal menggulirkan rumor, namun berdasarkan hasil analisis dan laporan dari sumber yang bisa dipercaya. "Para ahli di Google selalu memberi kode nama untuk setiap OS mereka, seperti Eclair untuk Android 2.1, dan Froyo untuk Android 2.2," ujarnya, dikutip detikINET dari, Jumat (23/4/2010).
Tentunya ada sejumlah peningkatan kemampuan dari Android versi baru yang tengah digodok tersebut. Menurut Taylor, Google coba untuk lebih fokus bagaimana meningkatkan performa dari OS-nya.
Beberapa fitur tambahan juga dikatakan bakal terbenam di Froyo, seperti JIT compiler, tambahan RAM, OpenGL ES 2.0, Flash 10.1 dan lainnya.
Bahkan, Taylor berani memprediksi bahwa Android 2.2 akan dipamerkan pada 19 Mei mendatang. Yakni ketika sang raksasa internet tersebut menyelenggarakan event Google I/O 2010.
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
Sony Ericsson Arc
he Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc is a forthcoming smartphone from Sony Ericsson.
Contents |
The Xperia Arc operates on Android 2.3.
The display features a Sony Mobile BRAVIA® Engine which allows you to view crisp and clear pics and video in vivid colours on the 4.2” Reality display.
It also features an Exmor R™ sensor that lets you capture high-quality movies and stills in low lit areas, and then you can show them in stunning HD direct on your TV via the HDMI connector on the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc.
The Xperia Arc was first revealed on January 5, 2011 at CES 2011.[1] It received praise for its features and design.
- 4.2" touchscreen with a resolution of 854 × 480 pixels (FWVGA)
- 16,777,216 color TFT display
Device colors
The phone is available in two colors
- Midnight Blue
- Misty Silver
Physical Attributes
Dimensions: 125.0 × 63.0 × 8.7 millimeters; 4.9 × 2.5 × 0.34 inches
Weight with battery: 117 grams; 4.1 ounces
Lithium-Polymer, 1500 mAh.
Talk time:
GSM: 7 h
HSDPA: 7 h
Stand by:
GSM: 400 - 430 h
Music Play: up to 31 h
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
Android Market
The Android Market was announced on 28 August 2008 and was made available to users on 22 October 2008. Priced application support was added for U.S. users and developers in the U.S. and UK in mid-February 2009. UK users gained the ability to purchase priced applications on 13 March 2009.On 17 March 2009, there were about 2,300 applications available for download from the Android Market, according to T-Mobile chief technical officer Cole Brodman.[2]
By December 2009, there were over 20,000 applications available for download in the Android Market.[3]
By August 2010, there were over 80,000[4] applications available for download in the Android Market, with over 1 billion application downloads.[5][6] Recent months (in 2010) have shown an ever increasing growth rate, recently (in May 2010) surpassing 10,000 additional applications per month.[7]
A report in July 2010, a company named Distimo showed that the Android Market features the highest percentage of free apps, with over 57% being free to download, double the amount of Apple Inc.'s App Store, in which only 28% of apps are free. Other competitors, such as Nokia's Ovi Store and Blackberry's App World had 26%, with Windows Marketplace only having 22%.[8]
In December 2010, it was reported that the Market would shortly receive an update, which will, alongside some minor updates, will add content-filtering to the market, and will reduce the purchase refund window from 24/48 hours to 15 minutes. Google has said that the new update would be available to all devices running Android 1.6 or higher[9], and arrived on unlocked HTC Desires in the UK on 16th December.
On December 31, 2010 the Android market reached the 200,000 app milestone. [10]
Priced applications
Developers of software (apps) receive 70% of the application price, with the remaining 30% distributed among carriers (if authorized to receive a fee for applications purchased through their network) and payment processors.[11] Revenue earned from the Android Market is paid to developers via Google Checkout merchant accounts. T-Mobile, the first carrier with an Android device, recently updated the market to allow Google to directly bill app purchases to a customer's cell phone account that show up as a charge on the bill.Availability for users
Users outside the countries/regions listed below only have access to free applications through Android Market. Paid applications are currently available to Android Market users in following countries:Country | Users can purchase apps[12] | Developers can sell apps[13] |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes (except MVNO) | Yes |
![]() | Yes | No |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | No |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | No |
![]() | Yes | No |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
![]() | Yes | Yes |
- Simyo and Jazztel Móvil,[14]
Availability for developers
Early on, only developers in the U.S. and UK were able to publish priced applications. In an email to Android Market developers on 2 April 2009, Google wrote: "... we are hard at work to enable developers in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, France, and Spain to offer priced applications in the coming weeks. Once merchant support for priced apps are live in these countries, we will announce our plans for launching support for developers in additional geographies."This was partly realized and, for the time being, developers from Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, UK and the U.S. can sell priced applications on the Android Market.[13]
Unlike with the iPhone, there is no requirement that Android applications be acquired from Android Market. Android applications may be obtained from any source including a developer's own website or from any of the 3rd party alternatives to Market which exist and can be installed on Android devices alongside Market.
Banned applications
On 31 March 2009, Google pulled all tethering applications from the Android Market.[16] Google later restored the applications for Android Market users, except those inside the T-Mobile USA network:[17]On Monday, several applications that enable tethering were removed from the Android Market catalog because they were in violation of T-Mobile's terms of service in the US. Based on Android's Developer Distribution Agreement (section 7.2), we remove applications from the Android Market catalog that violate the terms of service of a carrier or manufacturer. We inadvertently unpublished the applications for all carriers, and today we have corrected the problem so that all Android Market users outside the T-Mobile US network will now have access to the applications. We have notified the affected developers.[17]As of 20 May 2010, PDAnet, Easy Tether and Proxoid were all available in the U.S. market for T-mobile users.
Implementation details
The applications themselves are self-contained Android Package files. The Android Market does not install applications itself, rather it asks the phone's PackageManagerService to install them. The package manager can be seen directly if the user tries to download an APK file direct to their phone. Applications can be installed to the phone's internal storage, and can also be installed to the owner's external storage card under certain conditions.[18]Application security
Android devices can run applications written by third party developers and distributed through the Android Market or one of several other application stores. Once they have signed up, developers can make their applications available immediately, without a lengthy approval process.When an application is installed, Android displays all required permissions. At that point the user can decide whether or not to install the application. The user may decide not to install an application whose permission requirements seem excessive or unnecessary. A game may need to enable vibration, for example, but should not need to read messages or access the phonebook.
App permissions include things like:
- Accessing the Internet
- Making phone calls
- Sending SMS messages
- Reading and writing to the installed memory card
- Accessing a user's address book data
Known issues
As of May 2010[update], a widespread issue has been reported by hundreds of users which inhibits their ability to download apps from the marketplace. Some user issues are related to the migration of UK users from addresses to,[22] but the majority are still unresolved, despite a number of suggested fixes.[when?] The two most popular questions on Android technical help relate to the issue, with hundreds of unanswered queries.[23][not in citation given]Hundreds of users across multiple networks have experienced the market place app disappearing after updating to Android 2.2. So far, the only solution Google has offered is to hard reset your phone. However, doing so will delete contacts, text messages and apps from the phone. One other way that can work is to make sure the Google Chat app on the device is signed in to your googlemail/gmail account - and then the Market Place app should allow downloads (OS 2.2), may be fixed in later versions.[citation needed]
Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
Low-pass filter
Examples of low-pass filters
A stiff physical barrier tends to reflect higher sound frequencies, and so acts as a low-pass filter for transmitting sound. When music is playing in another room, the low notes are easily heard, while the high notes are attenuated.Electronic
In an electronic low-pass RC filter for voltage signals, high frequencies contained in the input signal are attenuated but the filter has little attenuation below its cutoff frequency which is determined by its RC time constant.For current signals, a similar circuit using a resistor and capacitor in parallel works in a similar manner. See current divider discussed in more detail below.
Electronic low-pass filters are used to drive subwoofers and other types of loudspeakers, to block high pitches that they can't efficiently broadcast.
Radio transmitters use low-pass filters to block harmonic emissions which might cause interference with other communications.
The tone knob found on many electric guitars is a low-pass filter used to reduce the amount of treble in the sound.
An integrator is another example of a single time constant low-pass filter.[1]
Telephone lines fitted with DSL splitters use low-pass and high-pass filters to separate DSL and POTS signals sharing the same pair of wires.
Low-pass filters also play a significant role in the sculpting of sound for electronic music as created by analogue synthesisers. See subtractive synthesis.
Ideal and real filters
An ideal low-pass filter completely eliminates all frequencies above the cutoff frequency while passing those below unchanged: its frequency response is a rectangular function, and is a brick-wall filter. The transition region present in practical filters does not exist in an ideal filter. An ideal low-pass filter can be realized mathematically (theoretically) by multiplying a signal by the rectangular function in the frequency domain or, equivalently, convolution with its impulse response, a sinc function, in the time domain.However, the ideal filter is impossible to realize without also having signals of infinite extent in time, and so generally needs to be approximated for real ongoing signals, because the sinc function's support region extends to all past and future times. The filter would therefore need to have infinite delay, or knowledge of the infinite future and past, in order to perform the convolution. It is effectively realizable for pre-recorded digital signals by assuming extensions of zero into the past and future, or more typically by making the signal repetitive and using Fourier analysis.
Real filters for real-time applications approximate the ideal filter by truncating and windowing the infinite impulse response to make a finite impulse response; applying that filter requires delaying the signal for a moderate period of time, allowing the computation to "see" a little bit into the future. This delay is manifested as phase shift. Greater accuracy in approximation requires a longer delay.
An ideal low-pass filter results in ringing artifacts via the Gibbs phenomenon. These can be reduced or worsened by choice of windowing function, and the design and choice of real filters involves understanding and minimizing these artifacts. For example, "simple truncation [of sinc] causes severe ringing artifacts," in signal reconstruction, and to reduce these artifacts one uses window functions "which drop off more smoothly at the edges."[2]
The Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula describes how to use a perfect low-pass filter to reconstruct a continuous signal from a sampled digital signal. Real digital-to-analog converters use real filter approximations.
Continuous-time low-pass filters
- A first-order filter, for example, will reduce the signal amplitude by half (so power reduces by 6 dB) every time the frequency doubles (goes up one octave); more precisely, the power rolloff approaches 20 dB per decade in the limit of high frequency. The magnitude Bode plot for a first-order filter looks like a horizontal line below the cutoff frequency, and a diagonal line above the cutoff frequency. There is also a "knee curve" at the boundary between the two, which smoothly transitions between the two straight line regions. If the transfer function of a first-order low-pass filter has a zero as well as a pole, the Bode plot will flatten out again, at some maximum attenuation of high frequencies; such an effect is caused for example by a little bit of the input leaking around the one-pole filter; this one-pole–one-zero filter is still a first-order low-pass. See Pole–zero plot and RC circuit.
- A second-order filter attenuates higher frequencies more steeply. The Bode plot for this type of filter resembles that of a first-order filter, except that it falls off more quickly. For example, a second-order Butterworth filter will reduce the signal amplitude to one fourth its original level every time the frequency doubles (so power decreases by 12 dB per octave, or 40 dB per decade). Other all-pole second-order filters may roll off at different rates initially depending on their Q factor, but approach the same final rate of 12 dB per octave; as with the first-order filters, zeroes in the transfer function can change the high-frequency asymptote. See RLC circuit.
- Third- and higher-order filters are defined similarly. In general, the final rate of power rolloff for an order-n all-pole filter is 6n dB per octave (i.e., 20n dB per decade).
The meanings of 'low' and 'high' – that is, the cutoff frequency – depend on the characteristics of the filter. The term "low-pass filter" merely refers to the shape of the filter's response; a high-pass filter could be built that cuts off at a lower frequency than any low-pass filter – it is their responses that set them apart. Electronic circuits can be devised for any desired frequency range, right up through microwave frequencies (above 1 GHz) and higher.
Laplace notation
Continuous-time filters can also be described in terms of the Laplace transform of their impulse response in a way that allows all of the characteristics of the filter to be easily analyzed by considering the pattern of poles and zeros of the Laplace transform in the complex plane (in discrete time, one can similarly consider the Z-transform of the impulse response).For example, a first-order low-pass filter can be described in Laplace notation as
Electronic low-pass filters
Passive electronic realization
One simple electrical circuit that will serve as a low-pass filter consists of a resistor in series with a load, and a capacitor in parallel with the load. The capacitor exhibits reactance, and blocks low-frequency signals, causing them to go through the load instead. At higher frequencies the reactance drops, and the capacitor effectively functions as a short circuit. The combination of resistance and capacitance gives you the time constant of the filter τ = RC (represented by the Greek letter tau). The break frequency, also called the turnover frequency or cutoff frequency (in hertz), is determined by the time constant:- At low frequencies, there is plenty of time for the capacitor to charge up to practically the same voltage as the input voltage.
- At high frequencies, the capacitor only has time to charge up a small amount before the input switches direction. The output goes up and down only a small fraction of the amount the input goes up and down. At double the frequency, there's only time for it to charge up half the amount.
- Since DC cannot flow through the capacitor, DC input must "flow out" the path marked Vout (analogous to removing the capacitor).
- Since AC flows very well through the capacitor — almost as well as it flows through solid wire — AC input "flows out" through the capacitor, effectively short circuiting to ground (analogous to replacing the capacitor with just a wire).
Active electronic realization
Another type of electrical circuit is an active low-pass filter.In the operational amplifier circuit shown in the figure, the cutoff frequency (in hertz) is defined as:
Sometimes, a simple gain amplifier (as opposed to the very-high-gain operational amplifier) is turned into a low-pass filter by simply adding a feedback capacitor C. This feedback decreases the frequency response at high frequencies via the Miller effect, and helps to avoid oscillation in the amplifier. For example, an audio amplifier can be made into a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency 100 kHz to reduce gain at frequencies which would otherwise oscillate. Since the audio band (what we can hear) only goes up to 20 kHz or so, the frequencies of interest fall entirely in the passband, and the amplifier behaves the same way as far as audio is concerned.
Discrete-time realization

Algorithmic implementation
The filter recurrence relation provides a way to determine the output samples in terms of the input samples and the preceding output. The following pseudocode algorithm will simulate the effect of a low-pass filter on a series of digital samples:// Return RC low-pass filter output samples, given input samples, // time interval dt, and time constant RC function lowpass(real[0..n] x, real dt, real RC) var real[0..n] y var real α := dt / (RC + dt) y[0] := x[0] for i from 1 to n y[i] := α * x[i] + (1-α) * y[i-1] return yThe loop which calculates each of the n outputs can be refactored into the equivalent:
for i from 1 to n y[i] := y[i-1] + α * (x[i] - y[i-1])That is, the change from one filter output to the next is proportional to the difference between the previous output and the next input. This exponential smoothing property matches the exponential decay seen in the continuous-time system. As expected, as the time constant RC increases, the discrete-time smoothing parameter α decreases, and the output samples